Like No Other

What do you really need, right now?


Camps and Clinics

Wherever you are, 10LessonsInSculling will come to you. Our template is universal and infinitely adaptable, and needs only boats, people, and a venue. Contact us for a plan customized to your circumstances and needs.

Training Plans

Bored with doing the same workouts you’ve been doing since college? Not sure the free one-size-fits-most stuff you’ve found online actually fits you? Send us an email and we’ll talk about customizing something new, different, and designed specifically for you.


Not sure what you need? The first conversation is free. We believe that everyone can be a better athlete than they are today, and that we can help you get there faster.


Get Started


Own the space you sit in

Given that so much of competing in rowing and sculling is dependent on getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, the idea of Comfort in the Boat can sound almost like cheating - but it isn’t. Mastery of any activity involves a gradual process of understanding intuitively that sport is about motion rather than effort, and that the latter comes from the former rather than vice-versa. Efficiency is not the absence of effort; it is the reduction of wasted effort. Let us help you find your speed. It starts with being relaxed and at home in your shell.